July - Maine
July 2019 - Maine
It was only one overnight from Onset, Massachusetts to Rockland, Maine. It barely felt like a passage at all. We had heard amazing things about Penobscot Bay, so we decided it is where we should start our cruise of the Vacation State.
Our first look at Maine
Lorelei and Rosy goofing around in the cockpit
We started out in Rockland, because of the free anchoring, but just a short hop up the bay is Camden, where they were celebrating 4th of July with fireworks over the harbor.
View of the Camden Lighthouse on the sail in
Me and Lorelei getting ready for the 4th of July
Fireworks over the Camden Harbor
Lorelei found the cutest book store and made herself completely at home.
Jacob found a nice place to work too.
Camden is the birthplace of Edna St. Vincent Millay, a poet that we all love. It turns out that the hill she was writing about in Afternoon on a Hill was the hill directly behind our boat!
Training ducks on the pier
There are so many places to explore, just in this bay alone. We are keeping a faster pace and spending weekends (when we don’t need great cell & internet) to check out the more remote locations.
Hiking around Hurricane Island, in Penobscot bay
The rock quarry on Hurricane Island
More Hurricane Island!
Our new friends invited us to a kid-boat weekend on their private island. Our friends’ father built this house completely out of drift wood!
Warming themselves by the fire before they ran off into the woods for more adventure
We had such an amazing time. The whole place felt really magical.
Next stop was Northhaven.
It was a real artists’ community.
Checking out the cute shops on the island
Lorelei driving us around in the dinghy. It’s completely legal to be chauffered around in our ‘family car’ by our eight-year-old.
Even though school is out for summer for so many, we are attempting to stay on track. We find that sticking to a schedule makes our daily routine more fun. We school year round, but take breaks for sailing, and visiting when ever the situation presents itself.
One of Audrey’s latest projects, a diagram of a pirate ship. She also did a lot of research on Blackbeard and the Queen Anne’s Revenge after we sailed by where it sank in North Carolina.
Audrey was due for a braces adjustment, and both girls had been dying to take my aunt and uncle up on their offer for a visit to Colorado, so they took off as unaccompanied minors first to Colorado, then to Chicago.
Dani, Jim, Zack, Audrey and Lorelei living it up in the mountains of Colorado
While the girls were away, Jacob and I acted like it was our second honeymoon.
Picking wild blueberries on Swans Island.
Lark in the anchorage on Swans Island.
Hiking in Acadia National Park
Jacob is a true warm water cruiser now. It takes some serious hiking conditions to make him put on real shoes.
We did an amazing hike complete with ladders drilled into the sides of cliffs and stairs carved into rock.
Jacob and I had an amazing view from the top of the Canada Cliffs trail.
Oops! We hit a lobster pot. It brought our 30,000 pound boat going over 7 knots to a complete stop. Jacob had to jump out and cut the line around or prop. It was so cold! We are seriously thinking of investing in a wet suit after this experience.
My Dad brought the girls home to us, and we showed him around Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park for a couple of days.
Riding the launch in Northeast Harbor. A service that comes with renting a float…along with showers, and laundry.
Lark on her float. Now we can describe lark as the one with the blue sail covers and the ENORMOUS orange kayak. It was like Christmas in July.
Playing mini golf
Lorelei making us some homemade wild blueberry pancakes
Swimming in Echo Lake with Grampsy. The water temperature was slightly warmer here than in the ocean.
Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park is a dream for cruisers. It has protected anchorages, lots to do and a free bus that will pick you up almost anywhere and take you where you want to go. Perfect for those of us that are carless!
Riding the bus around Acadia
Sand Beach
It was a bit crowded at this beach.
This seems pretty typical here in New England. Bright and sunny one minute followed by the fog rolling in.
Sunset over Southwest Harbor, Maine.