Cruising has been a struggle this past month. We’ve had a run-in with the state, a failed exhaust manifold gasket, been stuck in an expensive marina, and passed on what turned out to have been a beautiful crossing window.

On the other hand, we’ve stayed in some gorgeous anchorages and we’ve gotten to spend time with Len, Mom & Dad, Boulder friends Kayla and Jay and their girls, kid boaters the Madsams and the McMermaids, had visits from Ft Pierce friends Hobart, Linda, and Glen, and made a couple of new cruising friends.

I do think it’s all been part of an important growing process for us. Each challenge has required us to cope with frustration and fear, and I believe we’re stronger, braver, and more capable because of them. And while we tended to find ourselves sulking a little, we sure did have fun with all the company.

But I really hope we catch the next window.